Milk Teeth Care – Is it Important?

Milk teeth care

Babies need oral hygiene as much as adults need despite the myths circulating on the internet. Logically speaking, some might say that the baby’s teeth will fall naturally. Yet, it’s imperative to take care of the baby’s oral health as the baby’s teeth play an important part in the child’s development. It’s important to follow the right milk teeth as it’s susceptible to infection, decay, premature fallout or getting crooked. It’s important to know how to take care of milk teeth for a baby’s overall health development. To know more about milk teeth care, keep on reading. If you have any concerns, it’s advisable to visit a dental clinic near you. Importantly, our dentist will help you with more information on how to care for baby milk teeth in detail.

The Major Reasons Why One Should Follow Milk Teeth Care

Milk Teeth Help in Jaw Development

Baby teeth or also known as milk teeth help in the jaw’s development. The proper milk teeth care will make the jaw stronger while holding the place for new permanent teeth arrival. That’s why it’s important to care for milk teeth

Speech Development

A child speaking in a clear tone can develop good pronunciation and speaking habits. This will lower the risk of speech problems in the future. Sounds emerge because the tongue, lips, and cheeks function together with the teeth. Also, the facial muscle development and shape are boosted by the baby’s teeth. 

Nutritional Impact

Teeth help in chewing and eating food which provides the nutrition the baby needs. Overall, it will contribute to the baby’s oral as well as overall health. A good oral hygiene routine prevents cavities that cause nutritional deficiencies in the baby. If the cavities are left undiagnosed or untreated, this could lead to infection which can affect the overall health

At What Age Do the Baby Teeth Come In?

A baby is born with 20 primary teeth. Usually, it will appear in the mouth when the baby is between the age of 6 months to 1 year. Ideally, all the 20 teeth should appear by the time the babies celebrate their 3rd birthday. Typically, the first teeth will appear in the lower and the upper front region of the mouth. Sometimes, the babies might experience tender or sore gums. You can alleviate the pain by gently rubbing the gums with a wet gauze pad or a clean finger. For more information, consult your local Paedontotist near you for milk teeth care.

How to Care for Baby Milk Teeth

Care for milk teeth begins well before your child’s first tooth appears. Every day, the parent must gently run a wet, clean and soft washcloth over the gums to wipe the harmful bacteria. 

Important tips for milk teeth care:

  • Brushing the teeth gently with an infant toothbrush recommended by a dental clinic near you. 
  • Use a combination of water and little toothpaste. 
  • Consult your dentist about the use of a fluoride-based toothbrush.
  • Begin flossing between the teeth when they are in close proximity and touching each other.
  • Replace the infant’s toothbrush every 3-4 months 
  • Avoid sugary drinks for babies to prevent cavities
  • Consult your dentist in detail about the solid food diet
  • Babies must not sleep with the bottle in their mouth