Hoffman Estates High School Opens New AP Support Center

Hoffman Estates High School AP Center

Hoffman Estates High School held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for its new AP Support Center which is designed as a resource area for students taking Advanced Placement courses.  The Center was funded through grants and donations from Heart of America Foundation and EON Clinics.

HEHS Principal Josh Schumacher said the Center provides a space for students to collaborate with teachers and fellow students.

“We are excited for both the present use of this new room as well as the future opportunities it will provide,” he said.

Hoffman Estates High School Principal Josh Schumacher

In his remarks during the ceremony, District 211 Superintendent Dr. Daniel Cates thanked Heart of America and Eon Clinics.

“District 211 has steadily increased the percentage of students in AP courses across our student groups, many of them being first time AP students,” Dr. Cates said.  “We know this room will provide a long-lasting impact.  I want to express our thanks to Heart of America for connecting us with Dr. Rajan Sharma and EON Clinics.  Their generosity is simply astounding and will provide this Support Center which will serve as an important resource for our students as they shape their future.”

EON Clinics helps open Hoffman Estates High School AP Center

Hoffman Estates High School junior Jessica Freres, who is taking her first AP course is excited for the resources the Center will provide.

“This Center provides a lot of opportunity for student growth,” she said.  “The Center is important because AP students really need to develop time management and peer interaction skills, and I think the Support Center really brings those skills together.”

In discussing the difficulties and stress which comes with taking AP courses, Hoffman Estates High School AP English teacher Ryan Brown said the idea of how the course is presented has been one of acceptance and coordination.

 “We have challenged our students.  We have challenged them to strive for more; to work for progress, not just perfection.  We told them it’s okay to be afraid but to continue to show up, and they did,” he said.  “This physical space is their small part of the larger space.  This is where they can take off the mask and the AP armor; where they can come and ask questions and not be afraid if they don’t know.”

EON Clinics founder Dr. Rajan Sharma said the decision to donate to the construction of the AP Support Center was a family decision. 

“My oldest daughter is a teacher.  She told me, ‘if you give to AP students, they will rise up and teach another thousand,’” he said.  “After seeing this Center today, I am glad we did this.  It is very touching.  I am glad I am a part of that.”

Dr. Rajan Sharma from EON Clinics speaking at Hoffman Estates High School

Source: http://d211post.org/d211-post-hoffman-estates-high-school-opens-new-ap-support-center/